Venus Control Suite Onboarding

This journey allows you to learn Venus Control Suite at your own pace. Follow the journey by taking each module in order or jump straight to the section you wish to learn more about. Use the arrows to move to the desired section!

Additional Options


System Health

You want to make sure your customers have a positive impression of your business. Keeping their messages looking bright and clear is crucial to your success. That's why Daktronics developed System Health, a diagnostics program that lets you see exactly how healthy your LED displays are. If everything is working perfectly, you'll know it. Or, if there's an issue that needs your attention, you can take care of it quickly – often before anyone even notices it on your display. System Health from Daktronics is an annual subscription that provides diagnostic information about every part of your display hardware, from the modules to the computers. No matter what scheduling software you use, System Health provides diagnostics in one convenient, user-friendly platform called Venus® Control Suite.

What is System Health?

Accessing System Health

If the View Diagnostics button is not available to you, System Health has either not been purchased or not yet been activated in your Venus Control Suite account. Please contact Daktronics at 1-800-DAKTRONICS (1-800-325-8766) for assistance.

Logging in to System Health

Content Management and Scheduling

LED displays are one of the most effective forms of advertising, especially if you have good-looking, professionally created content. If you don't have the expertise or the staff to manage an LED sign, we have good news for you. Our Daktronics Content Management team can take care of everything from content creation to scheduling. They can even operate and control your displays via Venus Control Suite software. Learn more about Content Management Services.

FrameWrx Onboarding

Creating Display Ready Content

FrameWrx Business & Community Subscription enables anyone, anywhere to design graphics and animations for digital boards and ideal for business and community content creation. This annual subscription gives two users access to this online software where they can create and export content. Choose from a variety of professionally designed templates, edit the text, and personalize with your business’s colors, fonts, photos, and logo. Or, design content from scratch! This version is perfect for maximizing the power of digital displays and social communication to amplify advertising and influence customer decisions.  

Learn More


What can I do with FrameWrx?

Students and staff of any ability can create digital content from Daktronics-designed templates. These templates are specifically designed with your display layout in mind. Graphics such as player profiles, feature entitlements, announcements, sponsor recognition and much more can easily be created in this program.

Each template creates a branded visual connection with fans as they arrive at your facility. Strategic designs enhance the overall live-event experience and are made for the versatility of video displays, social media or print. It's easier than ever before on any zone to entertain fans, promote school successes, showcase sponsors and engage students all within your video display.

How to Get Started

FrameWrx is split between two account types: Admins and Users. New users are created in the system by an account administrator.

Logging In

When a new user is created, they will get an email. Be aware that users will only get a certain amount of time to respond to the email. Click on the link in the email. This will take you to a login page. Set up a password and click Submit. After the initial login, users can return to the website via Daktronics.

How do I log in to my account and navigate?

Add Users

How to Add Users: Users/Students can be created manually within FrameWrx. Users/Students can either be associated with Accounts on a one-to-one basis or as multiple users within the same account. Once users are configured, they will be able to login.
How To Create Accounts: Accounts are a grouping mechanism for Users/Students that can optionally be attached to Brands and User Groups and allow Admin/Instructor to control user permissions accordingly.

How do I manage users and create accounts?

Create Brand and Best Practices

Brands give the ability to categorize and apply design elements to accounts and templates in Framewrx.

You can use Brands to make elements available to designers creating Templates and the end users creating Projects from existing Templates. Brand Assets including photos, fonts, school colors, team logos, and videos can be added under the Brands tab. The Admin/Instructor should upload the Brand Assets into FrameWrx so the designers can use them in their content.  This will ensure that the content looks cohesive and aligns with the school's own brand.

Add Brand Assets

Under each Brand you can store photos, fonts, colors, and logos. Photos must be PNG or JPEG files and can be tagged for easy filtering. Fonts must be .ttf, .otf, or .woff files. You can add fonts for specific styles and set defaults. Colors will render as each palette that you have made per Brand. They can preview as either CMYK/SPOT or RGB. Logos must be an SVG file. You can upload design elements for simple placement onto a design.

How do I add brands or user groups to my account?

Projects and Templates

FrameWrx has ready-made templates tailored to reflect your unique brand identity and specifically designed with your display layout in mind. 

Learn more

Create New Project from Templates

Templates are Admin/Instructor approved designs that are available for Users/Students to customize. In order for a design template to be available for your Users/Students, it first needs to be published.

How do I create and export display ready content from a Template?

Creating Graduation Headshots in FrameWrx

Using Brand Assets

Designers and Admins are able to use Brand Assets directly in the Templates they are creating for users. Each type of asset can be leveraged in a unique way.

Leveraging Brand Assets as an Admin


When selecting images, you will see a Brand Photo button. It goes to the Brand Photo gallery, where you can add photos or select Brand images while masking images into shapes, SVGs, or setting backgrounds.


While setting your font for a text field there is a section directly above System Fonts where you can choose a Brand (if not already chosen) and the fonts specific to that Brand will populate here for use.


When selecting a color, there is a dropdown above the color section to select a Brand if not already selected. Once selected, your Brand palette will render and you can toggle between any other palettes that have been added to that Brand.


When selecting images, you will see a Brand Photo button. It goes to the Brand Photo gallery, where you can add photos or select Brand images while masking images into shapes, SVGs, or setting backgrounds.

Leveraging Brand Assets as an End User

Users can also leverage their Brand assets while creating Projects from Templates assigned to them. Admins can choose to leave unlocked the buttons on any element within the design. Users will have the ability to access their own Photos, Logos, Fonts, and Colors if left unlocked on a template.

Best Practices

Uploading Non Brand-Specific Assets

Assets can also be added globally to all your Accounts. If you have assets that apply to all your accounts outside of any that might be leveraged by individual users, the Design Huddle team can turn this on for you.

Editor Tools

The Framewrx editor allows you to edit text, add stock images and videos, full motion editing, audio, remove background, and more!

Learn more about the Editor Tools

Stock Images and File Types

FrameWrx offers free, paid, and custom media galleries that can be plugged directly into the editor. These can be used by both admins while creating Templates and by Users/Students while customizing their own Projects. Search within FrameWrx for the asset needed and simply place the photo, icon or video. Click the Images Tile to get started with uploading media, using brand photos or a variety of stock images and icons.

Easy Background Removal

Photo editing features make it easy to design professional-level content. One of these features is the Background Removal Tool, which quickly deletes unwanted imagery that distracts from the subject of your photo.

Using Shapes

Images can be nested inside any shape. If you add a circle to your canvas and want it to be replaced with a headshot, the headshot would be masked inside of that circle. Masking requires that the image or video takes up the entire space of the shape.

Video Editing

The Editor allows for multiple video files to be uploaded and stitched together to create a Video Project. Videos can be imported from other Projects in Framewrx or from an external file.

How to Create New Templates

Templates are admin-approved designs that are available for your end users to customize. In order for a design template to be available for your users, it first needs to be published.

Once a Template is published, you will not be able to make any changes to it. The only way to edit a Template would be to find and edit the source Project, re-publish the Template, and delete the existing Template.

How do I work with projects and templates?

Create and Export Projects

How to Create a Blank Project

When creating a new Project, you will have the option to start from scratch or from an existing Template. You can create a new project from two locations, the Create tab or the Projects tab. You can also delete a Project from the Projects tab by clicking on the ellipses and selecting the delete option.

How to Export Projects 

Once your content is crafted, it's time to export and put it on your display... or share it across social media and any other channels you choose for utilizing these content pieces.

How do I create and export display ready content from a Template?

How do I choose the correct template for my content?

Tips and Tricks

How do I update the Next Home Game graphic from the template?

With just a few simple tweaks, you can effortlessly craft a content piece that seamlessly transitions from one game to the next.

How to Update the Next Home Game Graphic

How do I post content to social media?

Framewrx has three options for posting to social media. When admins or users first attempt to export to the available options they will be walked through a wizard for linking Framewrx with the chosen account. Once this is done, the option to leverage these integrations will be available forever. Social media exports will only be available for non-print Projects.

How to Post to Social Media

How do I share project on mobile?

Projects can be saved directly to your mobile device or emailed to an unlimited number of recipients. This allows you to get approval on sponsor content or get someone excited for the great content you just created. 

How to Submit Project for Approval

How do I use Project Tags?

Project Tags allow you to better search and organize the Projects page in Framewrx. As you are creating Projects, it is easy for this page to become cluttered. Tags make it easy to categorize your Projects and make them easy to find. 

How to Create and Manage Project Tags

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