Venus Control Suite Onboarding

This journey allows you to learn Venus Control Suite at your own pace. Follow the journey by taking each module in order or jump straight to the section you wish to learn more about. Use the arrows to move to the desired section!

Exploring Venus Control Suite Tools


Exploring Venus Control Suite Features and Support

Display Settings

The Display App lists all displays controlled by Venus® Control Suite. Displays are listed in alphabetical order by title and show the hours of operation, whether or not scheduled playback or animated content is allowed, display color depth, display size, and layout information. Displays that belong to another account will display the account name above the display title. Click Scheduling to allow scheduled or animated content to play on the display. Content Transitions also are possible by setting up defaults on all content pieces or picking individual ones within your playlist. Transitions provide you with an effective way to grab the attention of your viewers.

How to change the default image duration in Venus Control Suite.

How to check/change Hours of Operation on display in Venus Control Suite.

How do I set default transitions for my display in Venus Control Suite?

Emergency Alerts

IPAWS and Amber Alerts

IPAWS, a FEMA integration of America's alert infrastructure, warns the public about serious emergencies. This single interface comprises the Emergency Alert System, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Weather Radiom, and other public alerting systems. Daktronics has integrated IPAWS emergency alerts with Venus® Control Suite. Digital display operators simply choose the desired level of involvement by turning on alerts and selecting time and frequency. Then, when there’s an alert in their area, it automatically runs on the display(s).

All AMBER Alerts are issued, updated and canceled by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC). At a minimum, the sign must have a width and height greater than 144 x 96 and an aspect ratio less than 5. If the display does not meet the minimum requirements, the display menu will not display Emergency Alerts in the list of configurable options.

How do I set a current IPAWS alert as inactive or active for my display?

How to enable Emergency Alerts in Venus Control Suite.


The Reports function provides information on playlist exposure, run time and duration. Reports give data on specific advertising accounts, displays or time periods.

Checking Previously Played Content

Proof of Play Report shows exposures (plays) and duration of each file. This will allow you to see which content played on specific days or time ranges.

How do I run a report in Venus Control Suite My Apps?

Support Resources

Daktronics MySupport

Make handling your support and service needs simple through Daktronics MySupport. This mobile-friendly, online portal allows you see the progress of your open service cases and order statuses, open new services cases and includes the option of requesting parts and on-site service. Other MySupport features include:

  • Community Discussion – Join the Conversation by engaging with your peers.
  • Schedule a Support Call – Request a time to discuss your questions with a qualified technician or our Customer Service team.
  • Case Activities – View service cases, comments and attachments.
  • Part Orders & Tracking – Track the status of parts and orders.

Create an account or log-in to get started.

Knowledge Base

The Daktronics Knowledge Base provides support solutions, troubleshooting information and instructional guides.

The goal of our technical knowledge base is delivering technical solutions to you as quickly as possible. Our Knowledge Center Support approach means this information comes straight from our tech desk to you as quickly as possible.

Having a problem with a Daktronics product?

Help Desk

Interested in purchasing our products? Need assistance with your current Daktronics product? Let us help. The quickest way to talk to one of our experts is to call us. You can also submit an online request for questions or additional information.

Contact Us

Contact a Trainer

If your equipment is working properly and you have questions on how to use the features of Venus Control Suite or Venus 1500 software, we have multiple training resources available. You can also request a call back from one of our software trainers. The typical response time is less than four hours during Daktronics corporate business hours (Monday-Friday 8am - 5pm CST).

Contact a Trainer

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