Venus Control Suite Onboarding

This journey allows you to learn Venus Control Suite at your own pace. Follow the journey by taking each module in order or jump straight to the section you wish to learn more about. Use the arrows to move to the desired section!

Getting Started with Venus Control Suite


How to get started with Venus Control Suite?

A large benefit of Venus Control Suite is the ability to learn your software before your display is even installed. When your order is submitted, you'll soon get access to Venus Control Suite and an email to activate your account. In this section, we will go over how to use that activation email to log in, find your media kit and manage users in your account.

Accessing Venus Control Suite

Logging in to Venus Control Suite

Venus Control Suite is all web based which allows you to create and schedule content from any internet enabled device! This means you can log in from any computer, tablet or mobile phone. All you need to do is go to and enter your user credentials.

How do I log in to Venus Control Suite?

First Time Log In

Upon having your account activated, you will receive an email with a link to log in for the first time. You'll need to activate your account within 24 hours of receiving that email. If you miss that 24 hour window, go to and reset your password! This will then provide you with a new email link to set up your password.

Mobile Access

Venus Control Suite has the capability to be used on a mobile device. You're also able to create this as a favicon on your cell phone so it can be linked on your home screen. How do I get mobile access?

VCS Media Kit Stills

Media Kit

Your Daktronics team has added your account into Venus Control Suite and provided you with an email that contains your media kit. The media kit contains almost 400 animated and still content pieces to use on your display. These content pieces will help make your content more appealing and engaging! Daktronics provides customers with multiple media options to use, from the free media kit to the online content site. To download this media kit and upload the content into your media library, take a look at this Knowledge Base article. Later in training, we will be diving deeper into the Media Library and uploading content as well.

How do I download the Venus Control Suite Media Kit?



The Launchpad is a streamlined entrance into Venus Control Suite that tells you the user you are logged in as, the account you are logged in to, and the package your account is in. It also gives you easy access to all your Apps, the ability to quickly upload media files, and a Getting Started section that has several links to some of our best resources that include articles, blogs, videos, and ways to contact Daktronics support.

In-App Guidance Can Show You Every Step of the Way

Monitoring App

The Monitoring App provides you with a preview into your display status and content recently played on your display. It will also provide you with notifications regarding the connection to your system.

Thumbnail Tile

The thumbnail tile on each display tile will give you visibility as to what's recently played on your display.

Device Communication

The heartbeat icon brings you to device communication which allows you to gain insight on the connection to the components of your system.

Managing Venus Control Suite User Access

In the Venus app under the MyApps section, you'll see a Users option which brings you to the user management portion of the software. Users in Venus are identified by their email address and granted by account administrators. Account administrators are the only individuals that can add and delete users on your account. There is an option to add a user with an activation email or with a temporary password. Users in Venus also allow you to determine specific roles and what you want each user to have access to.

How do I add or create a user in Venus Control Suite?

User Roles

These user roles provide you with the ability to determine what each user can access. The three role options are administrator, standard user and basic user. You can have as many users in each role as needed. In addition to the specific user roles, you are able to set up which specific account each user is a part of. For example, school districts can customize which specific school accounts each user has. This gives the ability to break up your account and only allow the people you need to be a part of each individual schools' account in your district.

What are the rights associated with the different User roles in Venus Control Suite?

Adding Users and Deleting Users

Adding users and deleting users can only be done by the account administrator. To add a user, follow these simple steps. Deleting a user is done by clicking on the profile you'd like to remove and selecting the trash can icon.

How to remove or delete a user from Venus Control Suite.

Display Control

LCD Display Control

Easily see display status and fire up or turn off your entire network from one interface. Venus Control Suite includes the ability to schedule remote functions of your display, such as scheduling on/off days and times. Additionally, you can adjust volume, input and brightness all from one user interface.

Venus Display Control: How to make a display control plan for volume, power, etc.

Display Control app on home screen

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