LED Message Displays

Daktronics electronic message centers (EMCs) are the most effective dynamic advertising medium and source for sharing community information available. They allow you to capitalize on the local audience passing by your location on a daily basis. Our LED signs are known for their quality - both in the high-quality images they produce and for being very reliable.

Outdoor LED Signs

Galaxy® LED signs feature effective text messages and high-powered graphic images in either monochrome or full color. These outdoor electronic signs feature a variety of pixel pitches depending on the amount of detail desired and various viewing angles to meet different viewing needs.

Graphics and Animation capable Display

Graphics and Animation Capable Signs

Galaxy® GS6/GT6x Series

Text, graphics, logos, basic animation, video clips, data integration, multiple font styles, and sizes.

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eCCB Display

Text Only Signs

Galaxy® eCCB Displays

Replace your manual changeable copy board with an LED sign that features 1-4 lines of red text and uses the existing cabinet and line power.

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Signs Designed for the Transportation Industry




The AF-6700 series provides rail passengers with up-to-the-minute schedules, destination information and advertising viewed from the rail platform.

Railway Signs


Bus Stations


The monochrome AF-6800 display provides bus transit passengers with up-to-the-minute schedules, destination information and advertising.

Bus Station Signs

ITS Message Sign

Intelligent Transportation Systems

Dynamic Message Signs (DMS)

Vanguard® products fit any ITS application and offer industry-critical reliability, legibility, and serviceability.

Dynamic Message Signs

Want to learn more? We're here to help.

Let our experts answer questions about the benefits of products customized for you.

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