Daktronics Minor League Sports

From MiLB to the USL to arenas, minor league sports teams and venues across the country have chosen Daktronics for their integrated video and scoring systems. Check out our experience around the minor leagues and opportunities at your venue.

What's Happening In Minor League Sports

South Bend Cubs with Chris Hagstrom-Jones

Hear about the evolution of technology at Four Winds Field from Chris Hagstrom-Jones, Cubs Assistant General Manager of Marketing and Media.
Listen to the Podcast

Rochester Red Wings New Video Experience

Building a double-outfield video board experience gives the Rochester Red Wings flexibility with their game-day production and the ability to engage their fans in new ways.

Listen to the Podcast

Heading to the Ballpark with Arkansas Travelers

Baseball in North Little Rock got a little more exciting last season when the Arkansas Travelers unveiled a new LED video display at Dickey-Stephens Park.

Listen to the Podcast

Go Bananas with Installation at Grayson Stadium

Lighting up the outfield, the Bananas' new display will measure more than 26 feet high by 47 feet wide.
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Charlotte Knights Revamp Digital Display

Partnering with the Charlotte Knights baseball team to manufacture and install 10 new LED displays at Truist Field in North Carolina.
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9 Questions To Ask Yourself When Purchasing Your New Video Board

Purchasing a new video board should be filled with excitement for what’s to come. A new display provides opportunities for an improved fan experience and revenue generation, among other things. However, many points in the LED purchasing process can prove to be painful and challenging.


Download the White Paper

Engage Fans From the Street to Their Seats

Engage your fans from the street all the way to their seats with a network of displays designed to immerse your audience in every moment of their experience. Daktronics is there every step of the way to inform and entertain audiences through customizable, dynamic visual systems.

Outdoor Stadium

Give your fans the full game-day experience with an integrated system.

In the sports industry, venues continue to look for digital opportunities that can be used for multiple applications within their facilities to enhance the fan experience and provide a return on investment. Find out how you can incorporate LED displays into your integrated system by clicking the pins on the image to see more information about each display.

Main Video Display Installation Photo

Main Video

Venues are installing larger and larger main video displays as they continue to become the center of attention for replays of game action. With more space available, the possibilities for showing content become endless from live video to stats and game information to prime opportunities for sponsors and advertising.

Auxiliary Video Display Installation Photo

Auxiliary Video

Auxiliary displays cater to the additional wants and needs of fans by giving them statistics, up-to-date league-wide scoring information and more. These displays complement the main displays, providing complete system integration for an overall venue-wide experience, including the opportunity for additional sponsorship messaging and moments of exclusivity.

Ribbon Display Installation Photo

Ribbon Display

Daktronics outdoor LED ribbon displays are specifically designed to meet the unique requirements of stadiums and other outdoor venues.

Field-level Display Installation Photo

Field-level Displays

Outdoor LED fence displays bring crowd prompts, stats, advertisements and video clips to any outfield fence using a full-color, impact-resistant screen. Pitch-level displays are modular advertising and entertainment systems that incorporate excellent brightness and visibility for fans and television viewers.

Vomitory Display Installation Photo

Vomitory Display

Whether displaying advertisements, animations, promotions, scores or statistics, Daktronics line of LED displays provide a bright, uniform image that ignites the game-day experience.

Billboard Installation Photo


Draw your fans into the arena and engage with them as they drive to your venue with Daktronics LED billboard displays. Strategically place these billboards along major roadways near your arena for maximum effectiveness.

Entertainment Areas Installation Photo

Entertainment Areas

Entertaining your fans doesn't start when the game starts. It truly begins hours before the game when fans arrive at the arena and lasts hours after the game ends. Use Daktronics displays in prime entertainment areas around the outside of your arena as a destination to get them energized and excited for the upcoming event.

Parking Installation Photo


Daktronics LED parking displays integrate seamlessly with existing networks and architecture and provide vibrant, legible text and graphics for efficient traffic control.

Marquee Installation Photo


Create an immediate connection with your fans as they pull up to the stadium with Daktronics marquee displays. Team branded content provides a feeling of belonging while informing of today’s game and entertainment as well as promoting other upcoming events.

Ticket Window Displays Installation Photo

Ticket Window Displays

Use Daktronics LED displays for your ticket window and queue areas to help manage crowds and advertise upcoming events at your facility. Use them for game-day wayfinding and to help patrons identify ticket lines. Easy-to-use ticket window displays can even be integrated with the other Daktronics displays within your facility.

Street Furniture Installation Photo

Street Furniture

Daktronics Digital Street Furniture displays position digital advertising and timely information at eye level, where they are most likely to influence consumers traveling through public spaces. Keep visitors up-to-date on event start times while providing an additional point of fan engagement at your venue.

Concessions Installation Photo


Here is where the sports bar experience meets modern technology. Concession stands can use dynamic HD content with real-time advertising data to draw attention to special offers and ultimately increase sales, not to mention keeping fans up-to-date with the main event while away from their seats.

Club Display Installation Photo

Club/Suite Displays

Club and suite displays create a unique and exciting environment for visitors to watch the game in high resolution. Fans can celebrate with the crowd in the stands when game prompts are synchronized to show throughout the arena while also keeping people in touch with other games happening around the league.

Concourse Display Installation Photo


Large welcome displays create a great opportunity to immerse your fans in team pride immediately as they walk in the door. Inspiring team imagery shown in vivid color energizes fans for the game and makes them feel proud to support the home team.

Press Display Installation Photo

Press Conference Displays

A growing sports broadcast trend is using LED displays as press backdrops instead of static canvas. LED is the preferred option because it looks great in front of TV cameras with superb color, resolution and clarity, and sponsors' content changes seamlessly with the click of a button.

Fence Display Installation Photo

Fence Displays

For ballparks looking to add an extra dimension of excitement to their game-day experience, Daktronics outdoor LED fence displays bring crowd prompts, stats, advertisements and video clips to any outfield fence using a full-color, impact-resistant screen.

Indoor Arena

Give your fans the full game-day experience with an integrated system.

In the sports industry, venues continue to look for digital opportunities that can be used for multiple applications within their facilities to enhance the fan experience and provide a return on investment. Find out how you can incorporate LED displays into your integrated system by clicking the pins on the image to see more information about each display.

Centerhung Display Installation Photo

Centerhung Display

Building with LED modules, rather than larger LED panels, makes it possible to bring almost any creative display concept to life. Seamless bends, curves and LED corner shrouds add more space for dynamic messaging. Teams are also including additional video displays under the centerhung for an even more versatile fan viewing experience.

End Wall Display Installation Photo

End Wall Display

All Daktronics displays integrate seamlessly with other displays or work as a stand-alone unit as a terrific add-on that further enhances the fans' experience.

Vomitory Display

Whether displaying advertisements, animations, promotions, scores or statistics, Daktronics line of LED displays provide a bright, uniform image that ignites the game-day experience.

Ribbon Display Installation Photo

Ribbon Display

Daktronics indoor LED ribbon displays are specifically designed to meet the unique requirements of arena and other indoor venues.

Scorers Table Installation Photo

Scorer's Tables/Dasher Displays

A powerful promotional and entertainment tool, scorer’s tables display video clips, animations and advertisements. Dasher board LED displays also add excitement for hockey fans by placing colorful and flexible LED technology directly into the dasher board of the ice rink.

Stanchion Display Installation Photo

Stanchion Display

Stanchion displays maximize advertising space by introducing LED signage right next to the game action. With this technology, you can give prime exposure to your sponsors right beside the shot clock, guaranteeing increased attention to ads.

Auxiliary Video Installation Photo

Auxiliary Video

Auxiliary displays located throughout the venue help supplement information shown on centerhung displays while also providing additional content such as league scores, fantasy stats, awe-inspiring graphics and sponsorship messages.

Entertainment Area Installation Photo

Entertainment Areas

Entertaining your fans doesn't start when the game starts. It truly begins hours before the game when fans arrive at the arena and lasts hours after the game ends. Use Daktronics displays in prime entertainment areas around the outside of your arena as a destination to get them energized and excited for the upcoming event.

Marquee Installation Photo


Create an immediate connection with your fans as they pull up to the arena with Daktronics marquee displays. Provide a feeling of belonging with team branded content, game-day information and entertainment, as well as promoting additional upcoming events.

Ticket Window Installation Photo

Ticket Window Displays

Use Daktronics LED displays for your ticket window and queue areas to help manage crowds and advertise upcoming events at your facility. Use them for game-day wayfinding and to help patrons identify ticket lines. Easy-to-use ticket window displays can even be integrated with the other Daktronics displays within your facility.

Street Furniture Installation Photo

Street Furniture

Daktronics Digital Street Furniture displays position digital advertising and timely information at eye level, where they are most likely to influence consumers traveling through public spaces. Keep visitors up-to-date on event start times while providing an additional point of fan engagement at your venue.

Billboard Installation Photo


Draw your fans into the arena and engage with them as they drive to your venue with Daktronics LED billboard displays. Strategically place these billboards along major roadways near your arena for maximum effectiveness.

Parking Installation Photo


Daktronics LED parking displays integrate seamlessly with existing networks and architecture and provide vibrant, legible text and graphics for efficient traffic control.

Concessions Installation Photo


Here is where the sports bar experience meets modern technology. Concession stands can use dynamic HD content with real-time advertising data to draw attention to special offers and ultimately increase sales, not to mention keeping fans up-to-date with the main event while away from their seats.

Press Conference Displays Installation Photo

Press Conference Displays

A growing sports broadcast trend is using LED displays as press backdrops instead of static canvas. LED is the preferred option because it looks great in front of TV cameras with superb color, resolution and clarity, and sponsors' content changes seamlessly with the click of a button.

Concourse Display Installation Photo


Large welcome displays create a great opportunity to immerse your fans in team pride immediately as they walk in the door. Inspiring team imagery shown in vivid color energizes fans for the game and makes them feel proud to support the home team.

Club Display Installation Photo

Club/Suite Displays

Club and suite displays create a unique and exciting environment for visitors to watch the game in high resolution. Fans can celebrate with the crowd in the stands when game prompts are synchronized to show throughout the arena while also keeping people in touch with other games happening around the league.

Greensboro Grasshoppers Case Study

Sustaining Your Investment

We are committed to providing the best local field service and support in the industry for the lifetime of the display.

Learn more about our service support

Greensboro Grasshoppers Case Study

Show Control Case Study

Produce an Unforgettable Show

Daktronics Show Control is the most powerful, flexible, and proven live event control system in the industry backed by Daktronics unmatched service capability.

See the benefits of Show Control

Great Lakes Loons Case Study

Digital Media Networks

Connect Fans at Every Turn

With a truly integrated system, your audience gets the very best experience possible, no matter where they are in the venue.

Learn about digital media networks

Wisconsin Timber Rattlers Case Study

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Curious if you're missing an opportunity at your facility? Sign up for the Daktronics Minor League / City Owned sports newsletter to help keep you, your organization and your facility informed on the latest trends in audio-visual solutions. Find out what's new, who's doing what and where, and learn about innovative trends in minor league sports facilities.

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