Centerhung Scoreboards and Video Displays

Enhance your arena with a scoreboard that can be seen from all angles.

Indoor arenas can provide fans with a 360-degree view of all the action with an in-bowl centerhung video display. Daktronics systems are the easiest to integrate throughout the entire facility.

Static scoreboard centerhung display in stadium

Standard Centerhung Scoreboards

Provide the wow factor with a four-sided centerhung scoreboard. Show fans game scores easily visible.

View Centerhung Scoreboards


LED video board centerhung display in stadium

Custom Centerhung Video Displays

Show statistics and out-of-town scores using real-time data. Highlight sponsors or offer a moment of exclusivity for your entire arena.

Learn About Video Displays

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One of our local experts will advise you on the best products for your facility, all at no cost to you.