Stanchion Displays

Ads in Camera Shots and Spectator Views

Generate sponsorship revenue by adding LED signs to your basketball stanchions. Stanchion displays are a popular advertising medium due to the camera shots on television and high visibility to spectators. By adding stanchion displays, you increase the advertising inventory space in your integrated system.

For schools getting new centerhungs, it's been an automatic add-on as part of their purchase. It's becoming more standardized than just a secondary piece.

- Charley Bocklet, Daktronics' regional sales manager for the Mid-Atlantic and New England

High-Quality Imaging Right in the Action

LED displays offer graphics and animations in vibrant colors, making them perfect for eye-catching ads on your stanchion. The tight 2.5mm pixel pitch spacing creates a seamless image – even when viewed at close distances.

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Interested in Purchasing a Stanchion Display?

For over 50 years, our sales team has been helping customers get the best product, on time and on budget. Complete the form and your local salesperson will contact you to discuss pricing and next steps.

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