Exploring the Airport Marketplace with Digital Signage
When headed to the airport for a quick trip or long vacation, signage is directing you to where you need to be every step of the way. In a conversation on The Daktronics Experience podcast, Kevin Palmeter shares how Daktronics delivers solutions to meet these digital needs.
Justin Ochsner on 9/13/2024
Categories: Transportation

Travel can be exciting, stressful, worrisome or just a downright good time! Whether it's for business or pleasure, airports are frequent stops on these journeys. From the drive to the airport to the bag check area, security and gates, to the baggage claim and ground transportation locations, signage is directing you every step of the way!
Static signage has existed for years and years to help guide you through this process. Digital signage hasn’t been around as long in comparison, but that’s changed dramatically. To hear about these changes and innovations in technology, Justin and Matt were recently joined by Kevin Palmeter, Daktronics airports market manager, on The Daktronics Experience podcast.
“We’re seeing the trend come back around to LED technology,” commented Kevin. “Airports are integrating that into columns or designing headers to architecturally integrate into the displays itself.”
Architecture plays a big role in digital technology innovating the airport experience. Kevin added a little bit to that topic: “The architects are embracing digital signage and really working it into their architecture versus having it on their architecture.”
Translation: when designing for the inclusion of digital signage, the visuals and aesthetics look seamless and intentional instead of looking like an add-on that was included after the design was completed.
This helps with the trend of experiential LED. Keven noted, “Airports are devoting large budgets to non-advertising, non-wayfinding, art and experiential spaces.”
While getting to where you need to go is extremely important in airports, they are also looking at ways to simply help you enjoy the experience. To take the stress and worry out of travel for some people and to deliver a relaxing experience.
One thing that can’t be overlooked is the flexibility of integrating LED technology into airports.
“Previously, airlines used to glue, screw and nail their branding to the back wall. But with digital displays, they can adjust which airline is at the counter with a common-use system in a matter of minutes. As airports are constantly onboarding new airlines, having displays that can easily change or move an airline from one terminal to servicing at two terminals has become essential.”
The LED technology we provide delivers on all of these needs for airports, and we’re constantly innovating and improving that technology.
“Airports have been putting direct-view LED in some pretty heavy customer-facing applications. That’s why our new COB (Chip On Board) LED technology is really going to make more of these applications a reality for airports,” said Kevin.
The COB technology Kevin referenced is the latest narrow-pixel pitch offering from Daktronics that provides high-contrast, wide-angle imagery on a thin, lightweight LED canvas. The product saves on energy consumption, reduces thermal waste and features a proprietary deep-black protective coating that serves as a protective barrier to reduce chances of damage during installation, operation and maintenance.
All of that comes together to deliver the perfect solution for up-close viewing and interaction with LED technology in airports.
“Airports are very fluid, busy facilities,” added Kevin. “Giving travelers the freshest, most real-time information as they travel is critical. Making sure that new travelers with high anxiety are ablet to get the same real-time information that frequent travelers have will help alleviate that stress and deliver a more enjoyable travel experience. And that’s what we’re excited to help provide.”
To hear the full conversation on The Daktronics Experience podcast, click here.
If you’re interested in more information on how we support airports, click here to connect with our aviation team.