Integrate LED into Airport Architecture

From curves to columns, airports can create a digital canvas on nearly any surface.


Categories: Transportation

With digital LED technology, airports can design any space to have architectural appeal and artistic interest. Digital display technology can be integrated with contours and curves, shapes and structures, to create a sense of place through eye-catching content.

While the sky is the limit (pun intended) when it comes to airport LED technology, here are a few ways you can use it to elevate the traveler experience.

3D (forced perspective) content

If you’ve ever seen digital 3D content – or forced perspective, as it’s known in the digital content creation business – you know what an impact it makes. The ideal placements for forced perspective content include displays that meet on exterior corners, curved displays, and suspended displays with a bottom or top LED plane.

It can also be effective on flat displays, especially in situations where foot traffic moves directly toward it, like in entryways or at the end of a T-intersection.

Large-scale experiential displays

The pairing of architectural materials with an LED wall fills a massive space in an elegant way. This application can mix flight and navigation information with exciting dynamic elements.

Column and ceiling displays

Airports can create a 360-degree experience by installing LED technology to surround travelers. This application provides an opportunity to highlight specific travel destinations or display unique local landmarks.

Eye-catching retail and services

Auxiliary areas in the airport can establish an impactful presence with large-scale LED displays. Retailers and restaurants can draw in travelers as they move through the facility.


Some things to consider

When you have custom shapes, you need custom modules. That means your digital display partner needs to ensure reliability and serviceability. At Daktronics, we design, test and build our own modules so you can rest assured that we can provide spare parts and maintenance on every display for at least 10 years. 


The correct pixel layout will make sure your content isn’t “stretched” around unusual shapes. An LED partner such as Daktronics has ability to develop pixel mapping and assist with your control system to simplify content control. 


We also have a content support team of graphic designers with extensive experience in working with unique shapes and resolutions. This team can consult with your media partner, hardware supplier and content creators, supporting them to provide the best possible experience in working with LED displays and content.  


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Your Daktronics aviation team is eager to provide solutions to the airport industry, showcasing how LED display technology can be used throughout facilities. The team is supported by a dedicated group of professionals at Daktronics, including regional sales, the ProAV team and a host of engineers.