All-in-one Smart LED Display

As digital experiences become more prevalent in our day-to-day lives, it’s important to harness
technology efficiently and effectively. Our All-in-One Smart LED display offers simple operation and installation while producing high-quality imaging with pixel-perfect HD resolution. With multiple input options – plug-and-play HDMI, remote-controlled on-screen user settings, and Venus Control Suite® software – the display fits in any environment to show announcements, advertisements, presentations, conference calls, videos, and more.

Impressive Visual Performance 

The product features direct-view 3-in-1 SMD LED technology to deliver the rich color performance, high brightness levels and ultra-wide viewing angles that distinguish the product from competing visualization solutions. 

Control Every Display in a Network from One Device

The All-in-One Smart LED display is compatible with Venus Control Suite (Select package and up), the software used for other Daktronics displays such as LED marquees and LCD signs – which means easy integration as your digital signage network grows.

Venus Control Suite is a cloud-based software, so users can design content and create a schedule for all displays in a network from one device. Remote control also allows you to easily switch between scheduled content and projected content at a moment’s notice.


Simple Connection to Devices

The display can serve as a hot spot in order to connect with a variety of devices including laptops, mobile phones and existing room management system. This makes it possible to present material and control display operation right from the palm of your hand. It is compatible with Windows, Android and iOS devices. 

Multiple Viewing Modes

The system provides the ability to toggle between multiple scene modes to provide the best content-specific viewing experience possible. The included remote control provides ready access to each of the four scene modes.

Standard Mode

Default setting for presentations and digital signage

Cinema Mode

Ideal for movies or long-format video clips

Soft Mode

Especially effective for document presentation

Video Mode

Tailored to optimize remote conferencing applications

Various Sizes Available

The four sizes we offer are all measured diagonally across the screen and come in a standard 16:9 (1920x1080) aspect ratio.

110 inch 1.2 millimeter display


138 inch 1.5 millimeter renderings


165 inch 1.9 millimeter display


220 inch 2.5 millimeter display


Easy Installation 

The system is installed completely from the front of the display and provides for both manual X/Y/Z axis adjustment, as well as digital correction to ensure a flawless installation. All system components including LED modules, power supplies and driver electronics are also accessible from the front.  

  • Designed for quick install
  • Install can be completed in 2-6 hours depending on display size
  • Kit includes: columns with pre-wired panels, display frame

Flexible Input Options 

With the flexibility to connect to existing AV system or connect directly with the HDMI input on the display, this solution can easily switch between multiple devices, such as a webcam, host device and different user devices. 

The LED Advantage

Direct-view LED display technology shows content with accurate colors and crisp clarity, making close viewing possible in any lighting conditions. Our direct-view LED displays provide many benefits over projector systems in performance and ownership experience:

  • Brighter, more vibrant colors
  • Clear images, even with the lights on
  • Less frequent maintenance required
  • Easy access for routine maintenance

Direct-view LED Image Quality Example

Direct-view LED Image Quality

Projector Image Quality Example

Projector Image Quality

Start Your Personal Consultation

One of our local experts will advise you on the best products for your facility, all at no cost to you.