Why a Family-Owned Chain Uses LED Signs at 14 Locations

“We’re more than a gas station,” states the Simonson Station Stores web site. The stores’ LED signs help reinforce this message. Travelers and regular customers see at a glance what the station stores offer. Customers can enjoy premium fuels, a full-service deli, a state-of-the-art car wash, and fresh-baked sweet rolls. The fourth-generation, independent, family-owned business […]


Categories: Sign Company News

Simonson Station Store_Grand Forks ND_AF-3550-64x160-16-RGB-2V_ALT (2).jpg“We’re more than a gas station,” states the Simonson Station Stores web site. The stores’ LED signs help reinforce this message. Travelers and regular customers see at a glance what the station stores offer. Customers can enjoy premium fuels, a full-service deli, a state-of-the-art car wash, and fresh-baked sweet rolls.

The fourth-generation, independent, family-owned business operates 16 stores across North Dakota and Minnesota. Fourteen of them use LED displays.

LED signs and sales

“The full-color signs definitely help promote sales,” says Dane Simonson. Among other responsibilities, Simonson manages the chain’s displays. He goes on to say, “The signs create a welcoming atmosphere for customers.”

The chain has updated eleven of their LED signs to the latest Daktronics Galaxy® product, the GS6. As a result, Simonson recently started working with the new, cloud-based software.

Software to manage several locations

“We’ve been using the Venus® Control Suite for a little while, and it’s a great tool to manage content in different cities with different promotions. It’s nice to be able to manage content right from my smartphone, if needed. I can quickly delete a promotion or add a slide,” says Simonson. “I also appreciate the “speed to market”—if something new comes up, I can publish on the signs right way.”

Simonson says they promote extra-value promotions, best deals, and seasonal messages.

“I like to keep the sign content relevant to the time. For example, we promote sunflower seeds during the summer months,” he says.

Content from the manufacturer

“I create my own content, but I also use Daktronics creative services, too. They provide us with custom content for our specific needs,” Simonson says. “They’re easy to work with.”

In addition to increasing sales, easy-to-use software, and great content, he says, “We keep going with Daktronics because the signs are reliable and the local support is great.”

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