Updates to Daktronics remote support tool

Our remote service tool has undergone an upgrade, transitioning to a secure cloud-based architecture. Daktronics now utilizes the latest remote support technology from BeyondTrust (formerly Bomgar), ensuring enhanced security measures. This solution stands as the sole FIPS 140-2, Level 1 Validated remote support option, providing the utmost assurance in security and reliability. Now use https://remotehelp.daktronics.com for support.

Daktronics Control Panel on 2/19/2024

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When you come across questions with your control system, it is not always easy to describe what you are looking for.  So, for the best support experience, Daktronics uses remote support tools to optionally share your screen for a more efficient assistance. 


In past, the technician would have directed you to bomgar.daktronics.com to begin the screensharing session.  The new address for remote support is now https://remotehelp.daktronics.com. With this change, you can still can quickly connect a technician to any system or device via the main web browsers.


Port and FireWall changes

Your IT department may have set up firewall rules that allowed access to the previous bomgar.daktronics.com URL and/or the old IP address of


The new URL is https://remotehelp.daktronics.com. Due to the transition to a cloud service, there is a possibility of future IP address changes. Daktronics advises configuring firewall rules using the new URL to guarantee connectivity and facilitate prompt assistance when needed. An overview of the Bomgar Port and Firewall use can be reviewed here: Overview of Port and Firewall Settings for BeyondTrust RS


The process for starting a remote session with a technician is also documented here: Bomgar: How do I start a session? (daktronics.com)


If you are not currently working with a technician, please call the appropriate support phone number to begin the support session.

United States & Canada:1-800-325-8766

Outside US & Canada:+1-605-275-1040