Sioux Falls Lincoln Takes Daktronics from the Classroom to the Court – and Beyond

In the classroom and at every game, Lincoln High School students are getting comfortable with creating content and running the show on the video board – while teachers enhance learning opportunities.


Categories: High School Sports

The two Daktronics video displays in the gymnasium are workhorses at Lincoln High School in Sioux Falls, SD. And it goes way beyond the game.

Charnelle Wooledge is the computer science teacher, and she puts DakClassroom to help her run the class. This semester, she has four students who work in Event Production, which also involves a lot of independent work time because she needs to teach another class at the same time.

“I incorporate the Event Production Curriculum chapters throughout the course as we are covering the topics of the production of our event,” she explains.

While they do run some pre-created graphics provided by Daktronics, the students currently create about half of the content that goes up on the video board in their gymnasium. They develop both event-specific graphics as well as content to engage the crowd during every game.

“The students create graphics and messages that can go on the boards during class and test their work by creating the button and viewing their work prior to putting the publication up on the video board. Next up we will be learning to use content studio for animations.” 

The classroom also features Show Control Education Edition, which allows students access to the Show Control software that controls the content on the video displays right from their computers.

Having Show Control in the classroom offers a chance for students to perfect their work and give them confidence in their designing,” says Wooledge.  “It also gives them the ability to make a quick edit while at a game or event. They know how to use it so they can edit on the spot.

Wooledge still operates the Daktronics video displays during some games, because her students are active in other sports and extracurricular activities. However, the students do take the controls when they can be there.

“I have found that some students are nervous to push a button and have their work revealed to the public,” says Wooledge. “Sometimes they need a little push and once they have seen their work up on the boards, they feel more comfortable running the graphics and animations.”

Creating a learning atmosphere

The video displays at Lincoln High School aren’t idle during the day either. Head football coach and physical education teacher Jared Fredenburg uses the two displays every day during class.

“When we start a new unit, especially a sport that kids aren’t familiar with, I just pull something up. We go on the video that would explain the rules instead of me, you know, some old man explaining it,” he says with a grin. “For a lot of visual learners, they can see it while I’m explaining. They’re going to get it a lot better.”

On days when Fredenburg isn’t using the boards to teach, he runs music through it and creates an atmosphere so the students can have more fun.

He says it makes his life a lot easier, because it’s there in the gym all the time. No more rolling in carts with audio visual equipment! He simply uses an iPad to control the video and audio.

“It’s always there now. It always works,” he explains.

“We also use it for our sports teams. You know, watching video on it is incredible.”

Learn more about DakClassroom and all the ways your school can use a Daktronics video board!

Learn About DakClassroom

Browse Video for Schools