RP Funding Center Scores with Seven New Daktronics LED Displays

BROOKINGS, S.D. – Nov. 21, 2017 – The RP Funding Center in Lakeland, Florida, home to the Lakeland Magic, the G League affiliate of the NBA's Orlando Magic, welcomed seven new LED displays designed and manufactured by Daktronics (NASDAQ-DAKT) of Brookings, South Dakota. The end wall, ribbons and scorer's tables were installed this fall.

"Daktronics did a wonderful job on our new LED displays, we're thrilled with our new boards. The boards bring a new exciting fan experience and take us to a new level here at the RP Funding Center," said Tony Camarillo, RP Funding Center Executive Director.

Two new end wall video displays capture attention with 10-millimeter line spacing as each display measures 15 feet high by 28 feet wide. Two new ribbon displays, one mounted to the seating fascia on each side of the arena, measure 3 feet high by 47.5 feet wide and feature 15-millimeter line spacing. Three scorer's tables can be organized in any configuration along the sidelines, each measuring 2 feet high by 9 feet wide and featuring 10-millimeter line spacing.

"Daktronics is honored to have been selected as the video and scoring provider for RP Funding Center," Mike Kempany, Daktronics sales representative. "We are excited to be a part of the renovation and look forward to witnessing the enhanced fan experience!"

The main video displays are capable of variable content zoning, allowing them to show one large image or to be divided into multiple zones to show any combination of live video, instant replays, game statistics and information, graphics and animations, and sponsorship messages. The ribbon displays and scorer's tables will provide complementary statistics and information to the main displays while also providing the opportunity to highlight sponsors throughout events.

The new displays incorporate excellent image clarity and contrast for wide angle visibility throughout the arena. Four locker room clocks will track time for athletes before and in between events. 

RP Funding Center will also receive a bank of hours for the creation of digital content to be produced and delivered by Daktronics Creative Services at the request of the venue.

Daktronics LED video and messaging display technology offers a long lifetime with consistent, industry-leading performance and low power consumption, providing value and excitement for years to come.

About Daktronics

Daktronics helps its customers to impact their audiences throughout the world with large-format LED video displays, message displays, scoreboards, digital billboards, audio systems and control systems in sport, business and transportation applications. Founded in 1968 as a USA-based manufacturing company, Daktronics has grown into the world leader in audiovisual systems and implementation with offices around the globe. Discover more at www.daktronics.com.

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For more information contact:
Justin Ochsner
tel 605-692-0200