The Latest Trends in the Parking Industry – and How Digital Signs Can Help

Parking facilities are becoming more than simply places to park the car. They are the first and last impression for people entering venues, businesses or other highly trafficked areas – and their services are increasingly important.


Categories: Transportation

Parking facilities have historically been seen as a utility – just simple, unadorned places to park.  Today, travelers demand more, and many parking facilities are answering in exciting and innovative ways – adding services and value, reducing congestion in the area, and communicating more effectively.  

Digital signs can help these facilities throughout the parking experience, simplifying communication while engaging and informing travelers more effectively.

Emerging applications enhance the experience

Digital display technology contributes greatly to some of the emerging trends that supplement and enhance the parking experience. These applications include:

  • Guidance to electric vehicle charging stations
  • Demand pricing or variable parking rates
  • Event promotions
  • Public service announcements
  • Ride share pick-up/drop-off locations
  • Handicap parking availability
  • Reserved parking spaces

Communication is key to each of these applications. Digital signs provide parking owners and operators powerful and flexible messaging tools to inform and empower travelers, while modernizing the look and feel of parking facilities.

Reducing congestion – and stress

It starts at the street, where travelers often search for parking spaces, contributing to congestion. The right messaging provides guidance in advance of decision points, eliminating hesitancy so travelers can make quick, informed decisions.

As traffic patterns change or parking spaces fill, digital signs can automatically adjust to current conditions, directing traffic and ensuring a pleasant, stress-free experience.

Inside the facility, operators can communicate with their customers in real time, guiding them to open spots, charging stations and handicap accessible spaces.

Implementing dynamic pricing

Dynamic pricing adjusts rates based on supply and demand. Operators can charge a premium based on events when traffic is high and reduce rates when occupancy is low. 

This model helps draw in more traffic during slow times, so parking owners and operators can maximize their space and revenue.  

Digital signs allow operators to set pricing according to set schedules, so travelers know what to expect at any given time.

Creating a sense of place

Digital messaging can go beyond branding, wayfinding, and space availability. Facilities can tailor their content with messages such as event pricing, public service announcements, or specific promotions.

Facilities may choose to go even further, creating a digital signature through a mascot or animated logo, or providing regulars a joke of the day or inspirational messages.

When the facility becomes part of the destination, customers will remember it and come back when they are in the area.