Prospective Customers: Copy Board Owners

The Middletown Volunteer Fire and Rescue Company in Middletown, Virginia, was using “an old plastic sign with the plastic letters . . . that would ‘cook’ under the glass in the sun, becoming brown and curled up,” according to treasurer Lisa Beauchamp. Eddie Edwards Signs out of Harrisburg, Virginia, sold the fire department a 20 mm […]


Categories: Sign Company News

Middletown-Fire-and-Rescue_Middletown-VA_AF-3500-48x112-201-R-2V_3The Middletown Volunteer Fire and Rescue Company in Middletown, Virginia, was using “an old plastic sign with the plastic letters . . . that would ‘cook’ under the glass in the sun, becoming brown and curled up,” according to treasurer Lisa Beauchamp.

Eddie Edwards Signs out of Harrisburg, Virginia, sold the fire department a 20 mm red monochrome display to replace the copy board and really improve their curb appeal.

A more professional-looking sign is a great selling point when you talk to copy board owners about LED technology. Here are some other talking points to use:

  • Easier, safer control
  • Graphics to stimulate impulse buying
  • Higher visibility
  • Quicker creation of messages
  • Leasing options

Share the Middletown Volunteer Fire and Rescue Company success story with manually changeable copy board owners.