In Case of Emergency

With Venus Control Suite you can schedule a message that will interrupt all of your other playlists / messages and override your schedule. This option is available for VCS Packages Select, Professional, or Enterprise and intended for times when you absolutely need people to see a certain, specific message.

Daktronics Commercial Software Training on 8/31/2016

Categories: Venus Control Suite Training

Override Playlists in Times of Need

A few examples of these situations are extreme weather emergencies like tornadoes, hurricanes, blizzards, and floods. Outside of weather it could road closures, change in store hours, or in extreme cases a lockdown. In any case, when you need to get a message out, this is how to do it.

How To Create an Override Playlist 

The Best Part!

If you choose to create an Override Playlist, the default setting is set to play right away. However, if you are just setting up to prepare for an emergency ahead of time, either schedule the override to start in the future, or set it to inactive when you are ready. If you are snowed in at home, simply pull out your mobile device, go to the Scheduling App and activate the override playlist. 

Why Can't I See the Override Playlist Option?

Automated Alerts Through IPAWS

Override playlists are great for when you have a specific file you wanted to play in the event of those emergencies or one off schedules. However, with IPAWS that's available to all VCS accounts and displays above 32 pixels tall you can automate alerts. 


IPAWS, or Integrated Public Alert & Warning System can be set up through up to 4 zip codes, allowing for different types of alerts to show on your display (displayed on the right). Once zip codes are established and display settings for IPAWS turned on the display will wait for an alert to be triggered. Once an alert is triggered it will follow identical play settings to an Override Playlist using Exclusive and Rotational durations, so be sure to set those durations to your preferences. Not sure how to set this up? Use the link below. 

How to enable Emergency Alerts in VCS

Make Your Communities Safety A Priority

Whatever the case may be, don't let your community go unwarned. Be prepared for emergencies through IPAWS automated alerts, or a manual override playlist created in the Scheduling App. If you want to stay in loop on newer blogs, sign up for email notifications and collaborate with other users in our Facebook group