Forced Perspective brings new depth to creative content

With audiences today having higher entertainment expectations than any previous generation, providing innovative and engaging content on your digital display is more important than ever before. But thinking of new and unique ways to use your display is not always easy, not to mention the technical difficulty that can come along with implementing a new […]

Daktronics Control Panel on 3/2/2017  

Categories: Pro Sports and Colleges

With audiences today having higher entertainment expectations than any previous generation, providing innovative and engaging content on your digital display is more important than ever before. But thinking of new and unique ways to use your display is not always easy, not to mention the technical difficulty that can come along with implementing a new idea.

That’s where Daktronics Creative Services comes in. Our artists transform 2D canvases into dynamic, one-of-a-kind 3D experiences using Forced Perspective. Forced Perspective is a technique which integrates content across multiple flat displays to give the effect of a full 3-Dimensional experience. The illusion of depth is created by manipulating the size and scale of images based on a targeted vantage point.

In addition to creating this cutting-edge content, keep in mind having the right displays is important to create dynamic experiences with this type of content. Our design and display consultants can collaborate with customers to determine what display(s) will work best in order to show this type of content while functioning well for other venue needs.

Our artists recently created the content seen at ISE’s (Integrated Systems Europe) annual conference in February. The photos above show how our display design and content came together to create the Forced Perspective experience in our booth. Learn more about Forced Perspective and how it’s done.