Enhanced User Roles in Venus Control Suite Provides Tailored Access for Optimal Control

Daktronics unveils enhanced user roles and access in Venus Control Suite. These updates empower display operators with the right tools and access to boost productivity and streamline operations.


Categories: Venus Control Suite Training

Venus Control Suite is an intuitive, cloud-based software solution that empowers operators to create, manage and schedule content on every LED and LCD display.

Daktronics is improving the experience to accommodate multiple users.

Venus Control Suite User Role Updates

New, updated user roles clearly define capabilities for Venus Control Suite operators. Admin users can manage all aspects of the account. Standard users may create and schedule content, while Basic users can run reports and view media and schedules.

Check out all the details here:
User Roles and Rights


New Features

  • Tailored Access: Each role now has specific access levels, ensuring users can perform tasks without restrictions.
  • Improved Functionality: We've aligned features with user needs, making the software more intuitive and user-friendly.


Ensure Access Today

Review your user roles to make sure everyone has the proper access to your Venus Control Suite software. Review the User Roles and Rights, then log into your Venus Control Suite account.