​​​​A Great Location with the Right Sign

Carpets by Otto uses an LED sign as an easy-to-use advertising medium to promote their large inventory and build their brand.


Categories: Sign Company News

Carpets by Otto is a very successful hometown flooring store that has grown to three locations in Ohio. The retailer is known for beautiful showrooms filled with the very latest flooring.

The flooring store’s LED sign is also the very latest. They installed a 14-by-27-foot LED sign at their liquidation outlet in Holland, Ohio.

New sign attracts customers
The retailer needed an easy-to-use advertising medium to promote their large inventory and services. “We replaced our static, double-sided billboards in favor of digital, so we could change out messages more frequently and easily,” says Dee Weik, CEO.

The flooring store is happy with the sign’s impact. “There is no doubt that our double-sided Daktronics digital boards are getting the attention of our customers! They frequently mention this to us, and our messages are getting a good response,” Weik says.

Brand building
Carpets by Otto also uses the sign to build their local brand. “The content that is most noticed is our ‘Otto logo,’ who announces our three locations, sales, special promos, product spotlights, etc. This ‘Otto’ has several images we use,” Weik says.

Content for fast traffic
The sign reaches travelers who pass their outlet on I-475 at around 70 miles an hour. Weik creates messages that they notice and have time to read. Weik explains, “Our messages are jumbo, and we make an impact by using bright colors and 3- to 4-word, bold, easy-to-read messages.”  ​


Click here to learn more about LED displays for business and community.