All Venus Control Suite Content Resources, Just for You!

Did you know that Daktronics offers a FREE, downloadable media kit for display owners? Jumpstart your advertising campaign with the market-responsible, code-friendly background and templates contained in our media kit!

Daktronics Commercial Software Training on 3/23/2016

Categories: Venus Control Suite Training

Free Content for Your Message Display

It’s true!

We offer nearly 400 pieces of content consisting of animations and stills that observe all sign code stipulations and are compatible for nearly every sign size in our GS6 and GC6 models. We also offer a limited media kit for our smaller matrix displays, under (32 h), and our monochrome series.  

As we mentioned in our Getting Started Blog you will  receive a Venus Control Suite Software Activation email within a week of submitting your order for a Daktronics display. In that email, you will find a link  to download your free media kit. For instructions about how to do so, click the link below:

How to download the Venus Control Suite Media Kit

Trainer Tip: We recommend that you tag your files while they are in the upload list, so you don’t have to do it later–or forget to do it altogether! Just checkmark each piece of content you wish to tag. You can even tag all the files at once by checking all of them.

Utilizing Daktronics Creative Resources

You can find both free and fee-based content on our e-commerce site

Shop for new content online when it’s most convenient for you. All transactions are electronic, so you’ll receive your new content immediately. Packages generally contain five to seven pieces of content. Animated packages are $99; still packages cost $75.

Did you find a content package but it doesn’t come in your display size? No worries! You can purchase a custom size content package today at no additional charge.



Let Us Do the Work For You! 

If you have your own ideas and want to work with our Creative Team, that’s great! We offer Custom Creative Work as well. Or utilize our Content Management Services from our Software Training team who can create and schedule the needed content making your life in Venus Control Suite easy! 

Design Professional Content for your Display

FrameWrx by Daktronics is a content design platform that enables anyone, anywhere to leverage professionally designed templates that users can customize to elevate their brand, amplify advertising and influence customer decisions. Businesses and organizations can reimagine the way they use digital with this cloud-based, timesaving platform that simplifies content creation, maximizing the power of digital displays and social communication.  



Perhaps the most powerful tool is our complementary Content Best Practices brochure.  This brochure provides color and text recommendations to help you create bold and legible content that works hard to win you the glance. Learn how to create eye-catching content by using  color and text recommended by our digital artists.

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