Making the Most of Valentine’s Day Content

We love helping you get the most revenue out of your digital ad space during holidays!


Categories: Out of Home Advertising

Whether you are into all the X’s and O’s or your heart is a little black, we have some digital billboard Valentine’s Day content for you.

We love helping you get the most revenue out of your digital ad space during holidays:

Think Outside The (Candy) Box
Offer up fresh ideas that drive revenue from nontraditional advertisers
See our #Antivalentinesday campaign content:

240x888 Dead Flowers_Sample

Take Advantage of Your Display’s Flexibility
Use social media integration and let people declare their love in real-time
See our #FURBABYLOVE content. 

Valentine Social Media - PetSalon

Keep It Simple
Create some simple templates, suggest a short message that is direct and measurable call to action.
Remember the man in your life!

Remember the Man in Your Life - EXAMPLE

Count It Down
Most Valentine’s Day gifts are purchased last minute, again take advantage of  the flexibility of your digitals and add a countdown or count up to drive last minute purchases for a close proximity business.
The Valentines Day Countdown is on!

Valentine Kisses - EXAMPLE (0;00;00;00)


Check out our free content options here!

XOXO – Your Daktronics OOH Team