Daktronics Web Player (DWP) Support

The Daktronics Web Player (DWP) offers built-in Wi-Fi, local content playback, full HD resolution in both landscape and portrait orientation and 24/7 commercial grade operation. This player and screen combo offer a solution for a large variety of markets including restaurants, retail, financial and schools. Controlling the player with Daktronics Venus Control Suite® allows users to manage, create and schedule content and data from a convenient web-based interface.

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Service Requests

Use the Daktronics MySupport Portal to:

  • Create a new service case
  • View open service cases
  • Check order and shipping status
  • Verify account information
  • Select email/text settings to receive case notifications

Our standard response time is less than 4 hours.

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Urgent Assistance

To help expedite your call:

  • Have your case number available if one has been assigned to you.

  • If you require technical assistance to trouble-shoot your system, please call from where the equipment is located and have everything connected and powered up.

Contact Daktronics