Baseball Package Support

Daktronics baseball software packages offer real-time scores and stats with integration to video display systems. The software packages vary by level of play. Individual pieces of software in the packages include DakStats Baseball, DSTI, GameDay Baseball, SportsWire 4000, Scorebook Generator and StatVision (MLB only).

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Service Requests

Use the Daktronics MySupport Portal to:

  • Create a new service case
  • View open service cases
  • Check order and shipping status
  • Verify account information
  • Select email/text settings to receive case notifications

Our standard response time is less than 4 hours.

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Urgent Assistance

To help expedite your call:

  • Have your case number available if one has been assigned to you.

  • If you require technical assistance to trouble-shoot your system, please call from where the equipment is located and have everything connected and powered up.

Contact Daktronics