James Madison University (JMU) has maintained a robust partnership with Daktronics Creative Services since the installation of their football video display at Bridgeforth Stadium and Zane Showker Field in 2011. In 2020, the Dukes looked to expand their content presence to the newly constructed basketball arena, The Atlantic Union Bank Center.

In response to JMU’s request, Daktronics Creative Services extended a contemporary aesthetic to the new facility while ensuring visual consistency across multiple venues. The incorporation of clean, modern design elements and subtle 2D animations into JMU’s branding resulted in a refreshing update for the Dukes.
The on-site Daktronics event producer continues to elevate the game-day experience while serving as a valuable resource for the university to ensure their brand and sponsors are represented in the best way. As a liaison between Daktronics and JMU, the event producer is intimately aware of the system, how it functions and how the content will show at all of their event facilities. Pairing them together allows for the best possible outcome on game day for JMU and their fans.