The Detroit Lions kicked off the 2017 season with 21 new Daktronics LED video displays throughout the stadium. Each main end zone display more than doubled in size and two curved super columns, unique to Ford Field, were installed to further engage fans. With all these new displays, the Lions needed an entire game-day content package that reflected the team’s updated branding and new uniforms. The team needed to provide a jawdropping experience for their fans with new technology throughout the entire stadium.

The Daktronics Creative Services team stepped in to consult on how to maximize the impact of their new displays, creating a content guide to ensure cohesive branding and across all marketing pieces. The process includes a roadmap for timelines, wireframes for visualization ahead of production, a content list detailing the scope of work, art direction, production and deployment. These steps ensure a seamless start to finish content delivery. After completing the content, the creative team leveraged their technical expertise to ensure that all content was provided to the Lions in a way that would allow it to play seamlessly on any production equipment.
The Detroit Lions maximized their new LED video display system through this partnership to provide an exciting and engaging game-day experience for their fans. The team continued to return to Daktronics for additional content needs throughout the football season.