Live Book GFX

Portable Graphics Solution

At just 12 pounds and 16.25 inches wide, the system fits in a backpack and can be transported to remote broadcast venues, making it one of the most portable broadcast quality Sports Graphics systems in the world. It uses the same rendering and playout technology as high-end rack-based server systems.

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Elevate your Broadcasts with Live Book

Versatile Integration

Paired with our full-featured, sport-specific score bug application, Live Book GFX makes your Score Bug ready to go right out of the box. Full Support for Unicode font and both US and European formats, makes the system an ideal candidate for localized and multi-language applications. The system's flexibility is enhanced by its built-in support for multiple clock interfaces.

laptop with LiveBook GFX on screen


Hear From Live Book Users

Harvard University

Live Book was such an obvious solution for us because it was affordable and built for sports. It's been such a big factor of how we tell the stories of our student athletes through broadcasting.

– Imry Halevi, Harvard University

example with score graphic for four different sports

Click to enlarge

video example of touchdown graphic

Click to enlarge

Central Collegiate Hockey Association

scorebug examples for hockey

Sports-Specific Control

Live Book comes preloaded with the powerful Sport App interface designed for creating, monitoring, and pushing your graphics to air. Sport Apps are available in several sport modes to meet the unique broadcast requirements of each sport. Intuitive playout panels adapt effortlessly to the specific rules of the sport and league, ensuring a smooth and consistent presentation across all your Live Book broadcasts, whatever the sport.






Support available for additional sports (curling, rugby, volleyball, lacrosse, water polo, field hockey, etc).


Graphics Template Authoring with Camino

Live Book GFX includes Camino, a real-time, non-linear 2D/3d time-line-based content compositor. Use Camino to build broadcast quality graphics such as score bugs, lower thirds, stats comparisons, tickers, and more. The system includes full Unicode support, advanced text formatting, support for multiple graphics file formats, video and audio clip playback, real-time keyframe based non-linear animation, 3D objects and 3D DVE. Rich, dynamic content can be easily generated to create a unique look for your broadcast graphics. Easily bring your Camino created content right into your Live Book! 


The Live Book GFX is designed with flexibility in mind to fit every production environment and facilitate evolving workflows. Whether you're broadcasting over IP or using SDI for internal or downstream keying, the Live Book GFX will be able to adapt to your environment. 

The Dashboard

Asset Management, OTT Graphics Library and Learning Center.


Flexible Options

Whether you’re a seasoned broadcaster or starting your first broadcast, we have multiple high quality solutions designed flexibly to fit your infrastructure and budget.


Live Book GFX NDI 1CH

Live Book GFX NDI 2CH

Live Book GFX SDI

Includes all new G8 Hardware Chassis
SportApps Up to 3 SportApps included; $1000 per additional SportApp Up to 5 SportApps included; $1000 per additional SportApp Up to 5 SportApps included; $1000 per additional SportApp
Insert Graphics Unlimited Insert Graphics Unlimited Insert Graphics Unlimited Insert Graphics
Scoreboard Controllers
Automated Stats

OTT & Stock Graphics Library

ESPN Compliant Graphics
Maintenance & Support Free 1st Year - $1000/Year Free 1st Year - $1500/Year Free 1st Year - $2000/ Year
Cloud Sync
DVE Clocks
OCR Clocks
Dual NDI Output  
Dual SDI Output    
Remote Three-Hour Webinar Training
  $9,999 $12,999
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Contact Us

Have questions about LiveBook or want to see it in action? Reach out to learn about its features, schedule a demo, or make a purchase!